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Pitch Control Enzyme

2023-10-09 Source:This site Page View:683
  Resinous material/pitch control enzyme application instruction
  1.Mechanism of Action
  Research indicate that the ingredient of the most difficult to be controlled is triglyceride fatty acid. Traditional control products such as disperse agent,  viscosity reducer, talcum powder, surfactant,etc, are at a loss what to do with it, because it has no charge. So the system have never clean up completely the pitch, and they continuously deposit on the paper machine, and generate regeneration aggregate, which cause big trouble to the equipment operation and paper quality.
  Lerkam pitch control enzyme can degrade the triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids, the outcome of which can easily be fixed by fixatives/polymer, thereby prevent the pitch deposit, then remove them from the system.
  2.Product Characteristics
  Exclusive react to specific resin compositions, which can effectively control the pitch in varieties of pulp.
  Dosage is few, but efficiency high.
  It has the same effect under high temperature condition.
  The product can remove lipophilic extractive from different resource, and will not be affected by pulping process, raw material, the features of compound chemicals degraded.
  3.Product Advantages
  Drainage /drainability of paper pulp strengthened, can clean paper machine coarse cotton cloth, resin sticky/pitch deposits and residual oil stain be reduced, then reduce the coarse cotton cloth washing frequency, and prolong the shelf life of cloth.
  Remove the pitch sticky from the pulp, ink point, and improve the pulp quality.
  Obviously improve the paper quality, reduce break, dirt and hole.
  Improve the paper coefficient of kinetic/dynamic friction, reduce sway of paper in the printing machine, and reduce white carbon black dosage.
  Reduce the pitch deposit on the paper machine and inner wall of the pipe, thus extend the shelf life of machines.
  Compared to the same type product, this pro has high performance/price ratio, which can be used for reducing cost.
  Eliminate the environment problem caused by the acid-akaline dissolution.
  4.Application Conditions
  Use clean water to dilute raw liquid 100times or
  Temperature:35℃~90℃. The optimum: 60℃~80℃.
  pH range:5.5~9.5 ; pH:7.5~9.5
  The optimum reaction time: 30-60mins.
  5.Application Cases
  Case #1
  Customer demand: one comprehensive paper factory hope to reduce the extraction content in the finished paper and improve the paper tensile strength without increasing dosage of strength additives.
  Solution: lerkam use the enzymatic pitch control method at the pump machine of TMP transfer pulp chest, and the paper making factory obtain following achievements:
  Final paper extract reduce 40%.
  Greatly reduced dosage of sulfate pulp material and dry strength agent, and reach the strength target at the same time.
  Tremendous reduced cost of transportation.
  Obviously reduced dosage of filling materials, and still can maintain stable force of friction.
  Case #2
  Use lerkam pitch control enzyme for the mechanical pulp workshop, to treat the bleaching ground wood pulp.
  Applicable parameter: pulp temperature 65℃, enzyme dosage 0.5kg/ton pulp, and use 1:1 Benzene - alcohol mixed liquid to extract the pitch.
  Pitch content before & after Lerkam pitch control enzymatic treatment

Item # Pending treatment % After treatment % Pitch reduction %
1 3.02 2.08 31.13
2 2.83 2.35 16.96
3 2.81 2.14 23.84
4 3.01 2.31 23.26
5 2.72 2.27 16.54
Average 2.878 2.23 22.34
  Result analysis: lerkam pitch control enzyme have strong degradation towards resins, the Lipid-lowering rate can reach up to 31.13%.  because the enzyme can degrade the triglyceride fatty acid in the resin selectively, thus the degradation effect varies for different content of triglyceride fatty acid in the resin.
 6. Product package and storage
  30kg/drum, 200kg/drum, also can be tailor made according to customer requirement. Product shall be sealed and stored under 4-25℃ dry, ventilated, and cool place, avoid high temperature or direct sunlight, prevent from solarization and rain. Generally under the condition of meeting specific requirements, liquid form product has shelf life of 6 months, and solid form 12 months.