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Glucose Oxidase

2023-10-09 Source:This site Page View:279
       Glucose oxidase
  1.Reaction Mechanism
  Glucose oxidase oxidizes glucose, producing hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid,reducing pH value in the stomach and intestine, create acid environment for the beneficial bacterium/probiotic such as lactic acid bacteria; hydrogen peroxide produced have sterilization action, which can directly inhibit growing and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria such as colon bacillus,salmonella, pasteurella,staphylococcus,vibrio,etc.
 2.Product Functions
  Eliminate intestinal tract pathogenic bacteria grow environment, reduce pathogenic bacterium infection, and partly replace antibiotic.
  Prevent and remit various mycotoxin intoxication.
  Maintain the ecological balance of intestinal flora, increase immunity of the organism.
  Protect intestinal tract epithelial cell completeness, and control coccidium outburst.
  Improve gastrointestinal tract acid digest environment, boost animal digestion and absorption.
  Protect the quality of raw material and feedstuff.
  3.Enzyme Property
  The optimum reaction temperature range is 35-40℃, the same as livestock animal heat/body temperature, which can come into full play inside livestock’s body.
  Glucose oxidase temperature feature profile
HUNAN LERKAM BIOLOGY CORP.,LTD.,Hu Nan Drainage-Improve Enzyme,Pitch control enzyme
  The optimum pH 5.0.  Activity is stable between pH 3.0-8.0. It have high enzyme activity in the animal’s alimentary tract environment, and has more excellent acid-resistant after mixed evenly with feedstuff.
  Glucose oxidase pH feature profile
HUNAN LERKAM BIOLOGY CORP.,LTD.,Hu Nan Drainage-Improve Enzyme,Pitch control enzymeHUNAN LERKAM BIOLOGY CORP.,LTD.,Hu Nan Drainage-Improve Enzyme,Pitch control enzyme
  Under the high temperature condition of granule/pelletizing simulation, average relative enzyme activity retention rate is the highest one among congeneric products.
  Glucose oxidase thermo-stability/heat-resistant performance
HUNAN LERKAM BIOLOGY CORP.,LTD.,Hu Nan Drainage-Improve Enzyme,Pitch control enzyme
  4.Recommended Dosage
Dosage in the Feedstuff(unit:g/ton formula feed) Farm Dosage
piglet growing pig broiler egg chicken others Dose in the drinking water:1kg product dilute water 5000kg, freely drinking or 2 times/day.
80-100 100-120 80-100 100-120 80-120

  5.Product Package and Storage
  20kg/drum, 25kg/drum, 50kg/drum, also can be tailor designed according to customer requirement. Product shall be sealed and stored under 4-25℃ dry, ventilated, and cool place, avoid high temperature or direct sunlight, prevent from solarization and rain. Generally under the storage & transportation condition meeting specific requirements, liquid form product has shelf life of 6 months, and solid form 12 months.